Life is Better When Your Surf® - Taylor Hutchison
This week we spoke to Taylor Hutchison, the head surf buyer at New Zealand's Backdoor Surf. Founded with one store in 1988 and now with 26 stores nationwide, Backdoor is NZ's largest surf, skate, and streetwear retailer.
Image supplied by Taylor Hutchison
GSI: Hi Taylor, tell us a bit about yourself, where you live and what you get up to?
TH: I'm 27 years old, residing in sunny Mount Maunganui. I grew up in Raglan but made the move out east about 4 years ago. I work full time at Backdoor Surf Shop as our surf hardware buyer but in my spare time, try my best to get on the road and score some pits with my best mates and also DJ a few gigs now and then too!
GSI: How old were you when you learnt to surf? Where was it and who taught you?
TH: I would have been about 8 years old when I first learnt to surf. I vividly remember Dad coming home with a soft top and we headed out to Raglan beach that evening. I got pushed into a few little knee high whitewashes and I was buzzing. It wasn't till I was about 12 that I really got into it and begun getting over my fear of (tiny) waves haha but really started pushing myself from then on and never looked back. No matter how much I surf I still get so much out of it.
Image supplied by Taylor Hutchison
GSI: Tell us about a surf session that really sticks in your mind.
TH: There's so many that come to mind from over the years but one of my most memorable would be one Christmas Eve over at Matakana Island. Must have been around 2017 or so. It was a perfect paddle size and about as textbook as it gets. I'm not sure if I just had a blinder of a session or if the waves were as good as I thought they were but it's burned into my memory and I surfed all day. I was still living in Raglan at the time and remember being so cooked by the time I made it home on Christmas Eve.
GSI: What is the best tip you have for anyone learning to surf?
TH: Embrace every part of it and remember that everyone was at the same point as you at some stage! It took me years to start pushing myself and actually see some improvement so stick at it. Making progress is so rewarding and I still try my best to do that to this day.
GSI: What is your favourite surf spot?
TH: Since moving to the east coast, I've got to spend many hours over at Matakana Island and it's become a very special place for me - easily my favourite wave in the world. I will always have a soft spot for Manu Bay though... I think I've done more hours in the water there than I care to admit but always enjoy going back.
Image supplied by Taylor Hutchison
GSI: What do you like about dealing with GSI?
TH: As a company we align with GSI on many different levels. It's always easy dealing with the crew and they consistently deliver a product that we, and more importantly the customer, are super stoked on. It's rad dealing with a company that just gets surfing too. It's nice to relate back to that core passion for the sport within companies that we work with!
Image supplied by Taylor Hutchison
GSI: Our company mantra is ‘Life is Better When Your Surf®” how does that statement resonate with you?
JP: Personally, I'm just a better human to be around when I've managed to get some surf time under my belt! It fills part of my cup that nothing else can, and when I'm able to carry that stoke into my job it makes me feel pretty thankful to be able to work with the people that I do and be in an industry that shares the same passion as me. Life is ALWAYS better when you surf!