How to attach a traditional leash string

How to attach a traditional leash string.

On some styles of longboards you'll notice a more traditional leash plug, below we’ll show you how to connect your leash string to this style of board.

Attach your leash string using a pinch and push method.

Firstly tie a knot in your leash string, take the folded end give it a little pinch and then start pushing the string down through the hole in the fin box. It can be a tight fit, so you may need a stick, toothpick or similar just to help push the string down through the hole.

Once your string is all the way to the deck, simply reach around on the deck side of your board, grab the string and start pulling it through.

Attach your leash string using fishing line.

Another method to get the string through the hole in the fin box is to take a piece of fishing line loop it through the end tie off the fishing line.

Then it's a simple matter of pulling the string through the hole, pull it all the way through making sure the knot is tight and goes all the way through to the base of the fin box.

Correct positioning of the rail saver on your board.

TIP: We recommend that your rail saver runs over the rail of your surfboard. If the string is too long and hitting your rails it can result in damage to your board.

If the string is hitting the rail then you need to shorten the string by repeating the above steps.