Life is Better When You Surf® - Josh Constable
Welcome to the March edition of our Life is Better When you Surf® newsletter series. This month we caught up with world Longboard Champion, board shaper and Creative Army founder, Josh Constable.
We first meet Josh back in 2006 at the Noosa Festival of Surfing, the year he won the ASL World Longboarding Championship. Over the years we have enjoyed spending time with Josh at GSI functions, surf events around the world and in Josh's lovely home town of Noosa.
GSI: How old were you when you learnt to surf? Where was it and who taught you?
JC: I was very young , before I could even walk I was getting dragged to the beach with my parents. Dad is a surfer and would surf every weekend, and after work through the week, I have memories of my dad, pushing me into waves on the points in Noosa. It’s funny to think my Dad did that and taught me how to surf and that’s what I’ve done with both my boys, Jet and Jive at the same locations that I learnt to surf. Very cool and very blessed to live this life we do in Noosa.
Josh aged two with his Mum. Image supplied by Josh Constable
GSI: What is the best tip you have for anyone learning to surf?
JC: I see it a lot of beginners not choosing great locations and conditions to learn in as well as always riding a board that’s under volume for them. Make sure you choose small clean offshore waves if you can and make sure you’re on a big board that’s oversized for those first few years.
Josh with son Jet. Image supplied by Josh Constable
GSI: Tell us about a surf session that really sticks in your mind?
JC: I have so many! I have been so blessed with the life that I’ve have lived, travelling the world Surfing some of the best locations with some of the best surfers in the world, but one that sticks out the most was yesterday. Surfing as a family myself, my wife Anna, and two boys, Jet 18 and Jive 15 Surfing Noosa and all of us out there on surfboards that I’ve made and having a good time - that’s what Surfing is all about .
From left: Jet, Jive, Josh and Anna Constable. Image supplied by Josh Constable
GSI: What is your favourite surf spot?
JC: It’s sooooo hard to choose! Additional to the out-of-this-world perfect left I described above?
Like I said previously, I’ve been very lucky to travel through Europe, Indonesia, Hawaii, California South America. There are great waves out there, but there’s something about Noosa that fills my cup and when there’s waves on the points they are some of the best waves in the world, especially for long boarding.
From back: Josh' Mum and Dad, Josh. front: Jive, Anna and Jet Constable. Image supplied by Josh Constable
GSI: Tell us about your Creative Range that GSI distributes globally?
JC: The Creative Army range that GSI distributes is an amazing opportunity for me to have people surfing my boards all around the world.
Through my Surfing career I have been lucky enough to travel the world and experience a variety of waves, breaks and countries. I have taken all of these experiences and morphed them into a great range of boards that I’ve tested here on the points at Noosa.
The Huevo is a perfect mid length for those fun beach breaks, peeling point breaks and great to take on boat trips to places like Indonesia and the Maldives.
The Five Sugars and the Cruz are perfect all round Longboards that are so versatile from beach breaks to point breaks. Both boards are sensational paddlers, they trim so nicely, turn great and I really love the Cruz for its nose riding in the smaller waves.
Working with GSI is just an awesome opportunity and through all the feedback we’re getting from happy customers all around the world, they seem to agree.
image supplied by Josh Constable
GSI: Our company mantra is ‘Life is Better When Your Surf®” how does that statement resonate with you?
JC: Is it not the best manta In the world? Life IS better when you surf get out there and make the most of it and I hope to see you out there...
GSI has been distributing Josh's Creative Army surfboards around the world for the past 8 years, check our website for specs, videos and more information.